Sunday, December 11, 2005
woah woah woah... grapevine is a great place... nice drinks, MANY babes, SUPER DUPER kp uncles who make you luff your arse off, and live soccer... what else to ask for?
wow i cant stand this horoscope... esp. the part about broken bones....
The Sagittarian personality is easy to spot in any crowd- he is likely to have folks fussing around him, trying to decide whether they love him or hate him. For some entertainment pleasure, watch the faces of the crowd as they try to summon all their willpower to keep from throttling him. The men are likely to sit with their legs sprawled open as if to make space for their big packages (yes ladies, this is the stud of the zodiac), sizing up every female within his visual field. They are usually ruggedly handsome with large bones, long limbs, broad shoulders with well muscled upper arms and rough calloused hands. Did I mention that they usually have muscular thighs and a nice firm booty? They have a way with words, not quite the "sweet, romantic and loving" kind but the "blunt and painful" kind and they are pretty oblivious to the fact that their blunt speech arouses some less-than-comfortable feelings in those they are talking with. These folks can pay you a compliment and leave you wondering if it is one. Ladies, if you are in a relationship with a Sagittarian man or have your eyes on one, keep your sense of humour with you and put on your suit of armour and don't allow him to put a dent in your self- confidence. And remember to never ask him "Darling, do I look alright in this dress?"; unless you are braced and ready for the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. The female Sagittarians usually have an athletic build with a protrusive forehead, thin lips and strong jutting jaw. With her flat booty and powerfully muscular arms, she shuold avoid wearing clothes that are of a fitted style. Clothing that drape over her would make her look almost like a goddess. Her speech can be just as blunt as her male counterpart's though more often than not, it is her clumsiness that grabs your attention more so than her speech. Let me tell you a story. I once witnessed the clumsiness of a Sagittarian female as she jumped over some potted plants and missed. Her jaw kissed the floor. Exhibiting Jupiterian enthusiasm, she picked herself up and made another jump. And she missed again. This time, she stayed down, all curled up in laughter at her own clumsiness. Though they are generally "Mr or Ms Happy Go Lucky", they do have an explosive temper, if pushed. It does not help that Sagittarius is a rebel and often speaks and acts without first considering the consequences(which often gets them into trouble with authority). The men are likely to use their fists and women, their tongues. An angry Sagittarius may shout, wave his arms, and throw some stuff around but these folks don't hold grudges- once their fuse burns itself out, it is over. Many a Sagittarius find their way onto the stage. Just like Librans, they love the attention they get and they are only too happy to oblige requests for encore after encore(you may in fact have a difficult time getting them off the stage). It is interesting to note that whilst these folks have wonderful memory retention capacity and can remember what they said and where they were on 19th May 1985, they can be rather absent- minded about regular day-to-day stuff and spend more than a fair bit of time searching for their car keys and their purses. In their quest for knowledge, they are likely to have changed religion at least once in their life by the time they turn 30. A set of encyclopedia would be a great investment that keeps the Sagittarian child busy as well as save mum and dad from going crazy, trying to answer the endless barrage of questions that come from the young Sagittarian's enquiring mind. The little boys will always be little boys, even at 40. The little girls may make you despair and wonder if she will ever outgrow the tomboy stage. Practising honestly and logic and applying the powers of reasoning, will go a longer way with these children than a "do it because I say so". This child will never cheat if he (or she) knows that he is trusted not to cheat- the honour system works very well with these little ones. If you have a Sagittrian child(or if you are a Sagittarian adult), I strongly recommend taking up a Personal Accident insurance policy- broken bones are an expected feature in a Sagittarian's life. So too are problems involving the hips, thighs, arms, hands, shoulders and feet(the limbs). Sagittarius' ruling planet is Jupiter, the planet of excessive indulgence and with Christmas just around the corner, beware of gluttony for the Sagittarius is prone to trouble with the liver, lungs and intestines.
L-vin scribbled at 5:08 AM. + + +