Monday, March 22, 2004
haha... just had a fun bet with my mother that stella ng's chinese name is huang xiang yi... she insists that its hou xiang yi.... bet for fun 10 bucks... hahaha... later found out that it was huang xiang yi... so i won 10 bucks just liddat from my mom.. haha.. additional pocket money to buy the loreal gum thingy...
L-vin scribbled at 6:47 AM. + + +
Friday, March 12, 2004
was reading shanyong's blog den saw this tribute to the one and only [TCHVFG] haha... not bad uhz...
Tonight I remembered.
I remembered the times when we used to spend together
I remembered the pumpings that we did together, hoping that the torment will end as soon as possible.
I remembered the times when we stood as still as stone for foot drills, fearful that any movement will earn us another 20.
I remembered the times when we slacked together, hoping to rest a little before the seniors caught us.
I remembered the games we used to play together, soccer, basketball, spending numerous Friday afternoons at the street soccer court and the basketball courts.
I remembered the campfires that we went to together, how we sang and dance and went back at the end of the night tired but exhilarated.
I remembered all the jokes that you all played on me, making me angry for a week. But after that, we are all friends again.
I remembered the talks that Lao Lee gave us, making us irritated and how we cursed at him all day long.
I remembered the trips that we used to have, from Bishan to Sentosa, finding new things to do every time.
I remembered the nights that we spent at camps together, sleeping lightly in anticipation of a fire drill.
I remembered the hikes that we walked together, having nothing but each other and the stars for company.
I remember all these and more, the joy we shared, the jokes we said, the songs we sang and the sufferings we bore.
But most of all, I remember you, my scout friends.
A toast, for one of the most exciting and fulfilling experience of my lifetime.
And thank you all, for being part of it.
kongee muses at 11:49 PM
L-vin scribbled at 8:34 AM. + + +
Friday, March 05, 2004
record breaking news.... todae morning i was late... went to school at 930 liddat... when i reached school, was told by jianzhi that todae 03s62 only had 5 people in the queue for morning assembly... plus choon boon and boonhui who were up there for cross country, there were 7 people who came on time.... wat the diaoz lar... seriously i tink thats ultra record breaking lor... 7 out of 24 in class... wassup wif that lor.. hohoz...
after school went to try out our new silver kelme boots with some of soccer people.... quite nice i tink when a lot people wear together... damn shiny... after that went with albert and criff to golden rooster for some jokes session sia... ultra gay!!!! den went home to bathe then went toa payoh mac to study wif mofo until 2320 liddat... sian diao.. quite tired... tmr got frenli vs temasek poly...
block test coming.... die... stress... tink will flunk....... just started studying a bit yesterday onli
L-vin scribbled at 8:07 AM. + + +
Monday, March 01, 2004
isnt it scary how an illness can shrink a man so much.......
isnt it shocking to know how people can still continue to smoke when they know what it does to their health........
L-vin scribbled at 4:43 AM. + + +